Mobile Test Lab
Moore Outdoors is extremely excited to introduce our Mobile Test Lab! We have invested in a moblie, high tech, computerized test lab in order to better serve our customers. We know how valuable your time is and how important it is to have precise readings of your pool's chemistry.
Our mobile test lab is designed to save you time and money. Forget the hassle of taking a sample yourself, bringing it to a pool store, and having to wait for the results. Regular test kits are ok, but sometimes you need a more complete picture of your pool's chemistry. We will come to you and you'll have the results right away. Having a properly treated pool will give you the peace of mind that you and your loved ones are swimming safely and save you A LOT of money in the long run!
Having properly balanced water is vitally important for several reasons:
Most importantly, the health of you and your loved ones
improperly sanitized water can lead to all sorts of health risks.​
poorly balanced water is irritating to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system.
without the proper balance, your pool equipment will become damaged and have to be replaced more often.
you'll spend unnecessary money trying to keep an unbalanced pool clean and clear.

Contact us for a free* water analysis! We'll bring our lab to you!
Provide your contact info below. In the last section Include : Pool Sanitizer, Volume (aprox. In Gallons), and Pool Surface Type (vinyl, plaster, etc.).
*Must be a resident of and your pool must be located in Moore County, NC. One free test per residence, per year. After your initial free test, you are eligible for another free test no sooner than one year from that date. Offer does not include any chemicals, cleanings, or repairs.*